Centre for Advanced Materials

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Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

Chairman & Members

Chairman: Assoc. Prof. Ir. Dr Ng Chui Kim




To foster and facilitate research and development (R&D) activities in advanced materials.

Vision Statement

To be a globally recognized centre of excellence in research and development of advanced materials that can be beneficial to our country’s economy and infrastructure.

Rationale and Research Plan

The centre will conduct research and develop applications with commercial potential in the following areas: 

Operations and Activities

Our research team is presently involved in the development of advanced ceramics with applications in biomedical and high-temperature fields. Furthermore, we are exploring energy materials suitable for fuel cells and ultracapacitors, as well as nanomaterials that have potential uses in coatings, sensing technologies, solar cells, and advancements in biomedicine. We have achieved successful synthesis of diverse types of advanced materials, including bioceramics, graphene-based materials, conducting polymers, and nanostructured metal oxides. These accomplishments have been made feasible through the adoption of cost-effective synthesis and fabrication techniques, including 3D printing, ball milling, hydrothermal processes, ultrasonication, sonochemical techniques, electrochemical methods, microwave heating, and polycondensation.

Funding/Research Activities

Principal Investigator: Ir. Dr. Ng Chui Kim

Faculty: Faculty of Engineering and Technology (FOET)

Type of Grant: Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS)

Project Title: Evaluating the Compatibility and Interaction Mechanism of Biowaste-Derived Hydroxyapatite Composites as Feedstock for Material Extrusion-Based 3D Printing

Duration: 01.08.2024 - 31.07.2026 (2 years)

Approved Budget: RM 84,615.00 

Principal Investigator: Dr. Chan Ming Yeng

Faculty: Faculty of Engineering and Technology (FOET)

Type of Grant: TAR UMT Internal Research Grant

Project Title: Fabrication of Recycled Polymer Composite Filament from Post-Consumer Plastic and Utensil for Fused Deposition Modeling

Duration: 01.03.2023 - 28.02.2025 (2 years)

Approved Budget: RM 118,475.00


Principal Investigator: Dr Ng Chui Kim

Faculty: Faculty of Engineering and Technology (FOET)

Type of Grant: TAR UMT internal grant

Project Title: Synthesis and Sintering of Biowaste-derived Hydroxyapatite

Duration: 1.8.2021- 31.7.2023 (2 years)

Approved Budget: RM91,800.00


Principal Investigator: Dr Chew Khoon Hee

Faculty: Faculty of Engineering and Technology (FOET)

Type of Grant: Industrial grant –Top Glove International Sdn. Bhd.

Project Title: Renewable Filler as Glove Reinforcing Agent

Duration: 1.11.2020- 31.07.2023 (2 year 8 months)

Approved Budget: RM 88,472.00


Principal investigator: Dr Ho Mui Yen

Faculty: Faculty of Engineering and Technology (FOET)

Type of Grant: TAR UMT internal grant

Project Title: Graphene Based Ternary Electrode for Non-Enzymatic Glucose Sensing Applications

Duration: 01.04.2018 - 31.03.2020 (2 years)

Approved Budget: RM 73,600.00

Postgraduate Supervision

Master of Engineering Science (TAR UMT)

Student Name: Teoh Min Wei

Title: Synthesis and Sintering of Biowaste-Derived Hydroyapatite

Supervision: Dr. Ng Chui Kim (Main)

Status: Completed


Student Name: Kannan A/L Velo

Title: Renewable Filler as Glove Reinforcing Agent

Supervision: Dr. Chew Khoon Hee (Main)

Status: Completed


Student Name: Leong Khok Lun

Title: Graphene Based Ternary Electrode for Nonenzymatic Glucose Sensing Application

Supervision: Dr. Ho Mui Yen (Main)

Status: Completed

Publication on Environmental Sustainability

TITLE: Effects of corn husk fiber as filler in recycled single‐use polypropylene for fused filament fabrication.

SOURCE: Journal of Vinyl and Additive Technology

AUTHOR:   Chang Ming Yeng (Co-Author)          RESEARCH CENTRE: CAM

SDG: 9, 12

CITATION: Yap, L.K., Chun, K.S., Yeng, C.M., Kiat, O.T., Huey, H.S., Hunt, T.C. and Meng, P.M., 2024. Effects of corn husk fiber as filler in recycled single‐use polypropylene for fused filament fabrication. Journal of Vinyl and

Additive Technology, 30(2), pp.620-634.

PUBLICATION LINK:  https://doi.org/10.1002/vnl.22074

ABSTRACT: Fused filament fabrication (FFF) is one of the most popular 3D printing approaches among end-users due to its lower cost, ease of operation, and wide range of material choices. However, the use of composite filament produced from recycled plastic and agriculture waste is still relatively uncommon. This research focuses on developing composite filament from corn husk fiber (CHF) and recycled single-use polypropylene for FFF. In this work, neat recycled polypropylene (rPP) and rPP/CHF composites were extruded into filament for FFF printing. It was observed that increasing the CHF content would reduce the print quality of the parts, as visible air gaps and voids were found on the printed surface and within the layers. Nevertheless, these issues were able to be overcome by adjusting the printing temperature and increasing the extrusion percentage during the printing process. The melt flow index results indicate that a higher CHF content would reduce the melt flow of the extruded rPP/CHF composite during printing, potentially affecting the quality of the printed parts. On the other hand, increasing the temperature enhanced the melt flow of the composite, which was beneficial for the printing process. When a small amount of CHF was added to the rPP, the printed part exhibited the highest tensile strength due to the reinforcing effect of the fibers. However, the tensile strength of printed parts using rPP/CHF composite filament decreased with higher CHF content. Additionally, higher CHF content resulted in printed composite parts that were more rigid and stiffer. It also reduced warpage on the printed specimens made with this composite, but it is important to note that warpage of the printed specimen is not directly correlated to crystallinity caused by nucleating effect of CHF. The rPP/CHF composite filament did exhibit earlier thermal degradation due to the addition of more CHF. However, this should not affect the printing process when temperature not beyond 230°C. This study highlights the potential of utilizing single-use PP and fibers extracted from corn husk as feedstock for 3D printing. The findings expand the possibilities for recycling and employing agricultural waste in sustainable additive manufacturing processes.


TITLE: Mathematical modeling and experiment verification for the Solid oxide Fuel Cell Mn1. 5Co1. 5O4 interconnect coating 

SOURCE: Materials Letters

AUTHOR:   Tan Kang Huai  (Main Author)


SDG: 7,9 

CITATION: Huai, T.K., Lowrance, Y., Abd Rahman, N.F., Yusop, U.A., Abd Rahman, H., Jaidi, Z., Tukimon, M.F. and Azami, M.S.M., 2024. Mathematical modeling and experiment verification for the Solid oxide Fuel Cell Mn1. 5Co1. 5O4 interconnect coating. Materials Letters, 358, p.135825.

PUBLICATION LINK: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.matlet.2023.135825

ABSTRACT: This study presents a new mathematical modeling study for interconnect oxidation analysis. A protective coating Mn1.5Co1.5O4 with different thicknessessare applied on ferritic stainless steel interconnect to address the chromium poisoning issue. Different Mn1.5Co1.5O4 coating thicknesses are applied. The coatings are assessed by surface morphology and phase structure. Developing coatings with various thicknesses is successful while maintaining consistent crystalline phases and coating morphology. The average coating thickness achieved at 35v for deposition times of 20, 30, and 40 s are 53.38 μm, 68.13 μm, and 85.13 μm, respectively. The coating thickness, 68.13 μm yields the lowest area specific resistance of 0.0469 Ω cm2 after 400 h of oxidation at 800 °C, compared to 0.0532 Ω cm2 and 0.0477 Ω cm2 for 53.38 μm and 85.13 μm The weight gains of the coated samples are recorded mathematically.This modeling approach results in a low weight gain and low oxidation kinetic rate of 0.139 mg cm−2 and 21.55 × 10−15 g2 cm−4 s−1, respectively for 68.13 μm coating thickness It predicts an area-specific resistance of 0.0451 Ωcm2 for the 35v 30 s coating, which is close to 0.0469 Ωcm2 experimental data.


TITLE: Turning waste into strength: Enhancing geopolymer composites with Oil Palm Frond Fibers (OPF).

SOURCE: International Journal of Nanoelectronics and Materials (IJNeaM)

AUTHOR:   NG YONG SING (Co-Author)             


SDG: 12, 13 

CITATION: Hui-Teng, N., Yun-Ming, L., Cheng-Yong, H., Jin, T.S., How, T.Y., Roslan, M.A.A.B.M., Zulkepli, S.K.B. and Yong-Sing, N., 2024. Turning waste into strength: Enhancing geopolymer composites with Oil Palm Frond Fibers (OPF). International Journal of Nanoelectronics and Materials (IJNeaM), 17(4), pp.576-583.

PUBLICATION LINK: https://doi.org/10.58915/ijneam.v17i4.1296

ABSTRACT: Geopolymers are alternatives to ordinary Portland cement as construction materials. The increasing demand for sustainable construction materials has driven the utilization of industrial by-products and agricultural waste. The disposal of oil palm frond (OPF) biomass as waste in landfills poses significant environmental challenges, necessitating effective recycling strategies. This study examines the incorporation and feasibility of OPF as a reinforcing fiber in fly ash geopolymer composites, examining its impact on physical and mechanical properties. Various parameters were tested, including fiber content (10–20 wt.%), shapes (shredded and tubular), and lengths (1–3 cm). The geopolymer composites with 10 wt.% shredded oil palm frond and 1-cm tubular oil palm frond fibers enhance the compressive strength by 17% compared to the control sample without oil palm frond. The shredded oil palm frond was particularly effective, enhancing strength performance and achieving better dispersion within the geopolymer matrix. Conversely, increasing the fiber content and length generally resulted in diminished composite strength, attributed to the creation of a more porous structure and weaker fiber-matrix interactions. However, lower fiber additions were shown to decrease porosity and water absorption, highlighting the potential of optimized oil palm frond fiber content and form in improving the environmental and mechanical performance of geopolymer composites. These results support the viability of oil palm frond as a sustainable additive in geopolymers, contributing to waste reduction and material innovation in construction.


TITLE: Synthesis and Characterization of Chicken Bone-Derived Hydroxyapatite Incorporating Pectin

SOURCE: Chemical Engineering & Technology



SDG: 9, 12

CITATION: Teoh, M.W., Ng, C.K., Lee, K.Y.S., Singh, R., Ting, C.H., Chuah, Y.D., Lim, Y.I., Tan, C.Y. and Yeo, W.H., 2023. Synthesis and characterization of chicken bone‐derived hydroxyapatite incorporating pectin. Chemical Engineering & Technology, 46(12), pp.2504-2512.

PUBLICATION LINK: https://doi.org/10.1002/ceat.202300019 

ABSTRACT: Hydroxyapatite (HA) was synthesized from chicken bone waste by calcination. Pectin was extracted from orange peels by microwave irradiation, and 1 and 3 wt % of pectin was incorporated into the HA. The resulting powders were then pressed into disk samples before being sintered at temperatures of 1050, 1150, and 1250 °C for 2 h. Various analytical techniques, including Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, density measurement, and Vickers microhardness tests, were used to evaluate the characteristics and mechanical properties of the samples. The incorporation of pectin did not interfere with the pure phases of HA, and minimal amounts of β-tricalcium phosphate were detected in the XRD patterns. Both ball milling and the addition of pectin effectively reduced the particle size of HA. However, the addition of pectin above 1 wt % did not contribute significantly to the densification and hardness of chicken bone-derived HA (CHA) compared with ball-milled CHA. Samples sintered at 1050 °C had the lowest relative density, owing to incomplete particle fusion. Increasing the sintering temperature resulted in a maximum relative density of ca. 95 % and a Vickers microhardness of 4.12 GPa for ball-milled CHA samples sintered at 1250 °C. Sintering temperature and ball milling were observed to play a more significant role in the densification and hardness of CHA compared with the addition of pectin. 


TITLE: Characterization and Sintering Properties of Hydroxyapatite Bioceramics Synthesized From Clamshell Biowaste

SOURCE: IIUM Engineering Journal

AUTHOR: NG CHUI KIM (Main Author) 


SDG: 9, 12

CITATION: Ng, C.K., Lee, S.K.Y., Tan, C.H., Singh, R.A.M.E.S.H., Ting, C.H., Chuah, Y.D., Tan, C.Y. and SUTHARSINI, U., 2022. Characterization and sintering properties of hydroxyapatite bioceramics synthesized from clamshell biowaste. IIUM Engineering Journal, 23(2), pp.228-236.

PUBLICATION LINK: https://doi.org/10.31436/iiumej.v23i2.2143 

ABSTRACT: Hydroxyapatite (HA) is a type of calcium phosphate-based bioactive ceramic that resembles the mineral phase of bone and teeth with great potential for bone substitution and biomedical implants. Biogenic-derived HA emerges as a cheap and eco-sustainable alternative to improve waste utilization. However, hydroxyapatite has limited applications due to its apparent brittleness, thus prompting investigation for enhanced sintering properties.  In the present study, the combination of calcination and chemical precipitation technique was used to extract hydroxyapatite (HA) from ark clamshells (Anadara granosa). The method successfully produced HA powder with a Ca/P ratio of 1.6 and characteristic bands corresponded to pure HA via Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR). The synthesized HA powder was then sintered at temperatures ranging from 1200 °C to 1300 °C, followed by mechanical evaluation of the density, Vickers hardness, fracture toughness and grain size. It was revealed that the samples sintered at 1250 °C achieved a relative density of ~88%, Vickers hardness of 5.01 ± 0.39 GPa, fracture toughness of 0.88 ± 0.07 MPa.m1/2 and average grain size of ~3.7 µm. Overall, the results suggest that ark clamshell synthesized HA (ACS) had the potential to be used as functional bioceramics for biomedical applications.


TITLE: Synthesis of Graphene / Silver/ Molybdenum Disulphide Composite for Supercapacitor Application

SOURCE: Materials Science Forum

AUTHOR: HO MUI YEN (Main Author) 


SDG: 7,9

CITATION: Tan, S.Y., Yen, H.M., Leong, K.L., Ong, W. and Lim, J.X., 2022, March. Synthesis of Graphene/Silver/Molybdenum Disulphide Composite for Supercapacitor Application. In Materials Science Forum (Vol. 1054, pp. 21-30). Trans Tech Publications Ltd.

PUBLICATION LINK: https://doi.org/10.4028/p-u48e5d 

ABSTRACT: In this study, pristine graphene/silver/molybdenum disulphide (G/Ag/MoS2) and reduced graphene oxide/silver/molybdenum disulphide (rGO/Ag/MoS2) composites materials were prepared via green solvothermal synthesis method and evaluated as supercapacitor electrodes. The morphology and structure of composites were examined by using Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), Energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDX), X-ray diffraction spectroscopy (XRD), and Raman spectroscopy. SEM and TEM indicate successful reduction of silver nitrate (AgNO3) to spherical Ag nanoparticles (NPs) by sodium citrate. The Ag NPs were observed to be evenly deposited on sheets of rGO and MoS2. From the XPS analysis, the spherical Ag NPs exist in zero-valent state, reflecting successful reduction. Based on cyclic voltammetry (CV) performed under 50 mV/s scan rate, G/Ag/MoS2 ternary composite exhibits the highest specific capacitance of 56.38 F/g which is 31 % and 29 % enhancement in specific capacitance of rGO/Ag/MoS2 ternary composite and Ag/MoS2 binary composite, respectively. It is believed that the presence of graphene may provide conductive pathway and a larger surface area for the distribution of Ag NPs.


TITLE: 3D polymer composite filament development from post-consumer polypropylene and disposable chopstick fillers

SOURCE: Journal of Vinyl & Additive Technology

AUTHOR: Ts. Dr Chan Ming Yeng (Main Author) 


SDG: 9, 12

CITATION: Tan, Y.A., Chan, M.Y., Koay, S.C. and Ong, T.K., 2023. 3D polymer composite filament development from post‐consumer polypropylene and disposable chopstick fillers. Journal of Vinyl and Additive Technology, 29(5), pp.909-922.

PUBLICATION LINK:  https://doi.org/10.1002/vnl.22026 

ABSTRACT: This study focused on the development of three-dimensional (3D) polymer composite filament made of disposable chopstick (DC) and post-consumer polypropylene (PPP). The PPP/DC composite parts were printed via fused filament fabrication (FFF) process. The effect of the printing temperature and different DC fiber content on the properties of the 3D printed parts were investigated. The printing temperature of 200–220°C was suitable for these filaments because the printing temperature did not show any thermal degradation, as proven by thermogravimetric analysis. Furthermore, the thermal stability of the 3D filament increased with DC content. The chemical modification with sodium hydroxide (NaOH) was carried out on DC to remove the unwanted organic components by showing changes in peak intensity in the Fourier transform infrared analysis. Moreover, the melt flow index of the composite filaments decreased with increasing of the DC content and caused the composites' viscosity increased. The results show that the optimum printing temperature of 210°C would reduce the warping and gave better tensile properties to the 3D printed parts. Nevertheless, the tensile strength and elongation at break of the 3D printed PPP/DC parts reduced as the DC content increased because the presence of some air gap and fiber pull out on the fracture surface of 3D printed parts, which are in line with the results observed from scanning electron microscopy. However, the tensile strength and elongation at break percentage of all 3D printed PPP/DC composite parts were higher in comparison with the 3D parts printed by commercial wood plastic composite filament. 


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