Centre for Autonomous Systems 

and Robotics Research (CASRR)

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Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

Chairman & Members

Chairman: Ts. Dr. Lee Yoon Ket

Research Group:



The main aim of CASRR is to lead and contribute in the advancement of autonomous technology and fulfil the high demand of expertise for digitalization and autonomous, through the synergy between research, applications of technology, industry partnership and project collaborations, in both academic and industry sectors.

For the academic sector, the CASRR is devoted to the fulfilment of scholarly and academic activities including but not limited to the following:

For industry, the CASRR is devoted to the fulfilment of industry partnership and project collaborations including but not limited to the following:

Vision Statement

To be a pioneer and one of the world’s leading consultancy and research Centre in the advancement of autonomous technology research and solutions provider to industry.


To work together with other research Centres to bring out research findings that can be incorporated by TAR UMT and industry for its progressive development.

Operations and Activities

In furtherance of its stated objectives and deliverables, the Centre shall organize and conduct various activities such as those listed below:

Funding, Facilities and Equipment

Members of the Centre will apply for research or industry funding from the Malaysian Government or International research grants to conduct its activities. Apart from that, the Centre will source for software and equipment sponsorship from the industry. The Centre will use the existing facilities which house suitable instruments, experimental setups and engineering equipment with computers that are loaded with licensed software within the Main Campus. The grants held by the Centre are as follows:

Faculty: Faculty of Engineering and Technology (FOET)

Type of Grant: Government grant- RMK11 Grant on Customate Line

Project Title: Development of Industry 4.0 Manufacturing Line Testbed for Ginger Products

Duration: 01.12.2019 - 30.11.2022 (3 years)

Approved budget: RM 374,512.00


Faculty: Faculty of Engineering and Technology (FOET)

Type of Grant: Industrial grant –Asia Roofing Industries Sdn. Bhd

Project Title: Automated Unload and Load for long forming products

Duration: 1.12.2019- 30.11.2021 (2 years)

Approved budget: RM96,250


Faculty: Faculty of Engineering and Technology (FOET)

Type of Grant: Industrial grant –ICA 40 Sdn Bhd .

Project Title: Simulation Model & Digitalization of Local SME Manufacturing Factory

Duration: 1.1. 2023 - 31.12.2024 (2 years)

Approved budget: RM 95,128.00

Faculty: Faculty of Engineering and Technology (FOET)

Type of Grant: Industrial grant – Hotayi Electronic(M) Sdn. Bhd

Project Title: Automated Production Simulation

Duration: 01.03.2018 - 31.08.2019 (1.5 years)

Approved Budget: RM 18,500.00

Faculty: Faculty of Engineering and Technology (FOET)

Type of Grant: Industrial grant – Malaysia Timber Council

Project Title: Sawmill Retrofitting Project

Duration: 01.08.2021 - 31.07.2022 (1 years)

Approved Budget: RM 95,400.00

Faculty: Faculty of Engineering and Technology (FOET)

Type of Grant: Industrial grant – Aonic Holdings Pte Ltd (formerly Poladrone Solutions Sdn Bhd)

Project Title: Design an autonomous Unmanned Ground Vehicle (UGV) with a suitable powertrain system to use in the Palm Oil Estate with challenging terrain behaviour.

Duration: 01.08.2022 - 31.07.2023 (1 years)

Approved Budget: RM 1,172.89

Faculty: Faculty of Engineering and Technology (FOET)

Type of Grant: Industrial grant – Aonic Holdings Pte Ltd (formerly Poladrone Solutions Sdn Bhd)

Project Title: Collision avoidance between drones using latest wireless technology.

Duration: 01.08.2022 - 31.07.2023 (1 years)

Approved Budget: RM 670.24

Faculty: Faculty of Engineering and Technology (FOET)

Type of Grant: TAR UC Internal Research Grant

Project Title: Autonomous robot navigation system for monitoring and maintenance of OMIS line in the context Industry 4.0. (UC/I/G2022-00097)

Duration: 2 years (To be confirmed, September 2023 to August 2025)

Approved Budget: RM 65,000

Faculty: Faculty of Engineering and Technology (FOET)

Type of Grant: Industrial grant – Aonic Holdings Pte Ltd (formerly Poladrone Solutions Sdn Bhd)

Project Title: PID Control and Balancing for 2 and 4 copter design

Duration: 01.08.2022 - 31.07.2023 (1 year)

Approved Budget: RM 1,000.00

Faculty: Faculty of Engineering and Technology (FOET)

Type of Grant: TAR UMT Internal Grant

Project Title: Human-robot Cooperative Motion Control using Robotic Perception System (UC/I/G2023-00103)

Duration: 01.09.2023 - 31.08.2025 (2 years)

Approved Budget: RM 83,000.00

Faculty: Faculty of Engineering and Technology (FOET)

Type of Grant: Industrial grant – Aonic Holdings Pte Ltd (formerly Poladrone Solutions Sdn Bhd)

Project Title: Water Pump Control and Water Flow Rate Measurement for Accuracy Improvement

Duration: 01.08.2022 - 31.07.2023 (1 year)

Approved Budget: RM 1,000.00

Faculty: Faculty of Engineering and Technology (FOET)

Type of Grant: Top Glove International (M) Sdn Bhd

Project Title: Design of R&D Robotic Simulator and Pin Hole Defects Improvement for Glove Production

Duration: 1 July 2019 – 30 June 2022 (3 years)

Approved budget: RM 88,472.00

Faculty: Faculty of Engineering and Technology (FOET)

Type of Grant: Genting Plantations (WM) Sdn Bhd

Project Title: Enhancing Agriculture Instruments for Palm Oil Plantation

Duration: 1 Sept 2021 – 30 Aug 2022 (1 year)

Approved budget: RM 39,500

Faculty: Faculty of Engineering and Technology (FOET)

Type of Grant: Genting Plantations (WM) Sdn Bhd

Project Title: Ezicut Phase 2

Duration: 1 Nov 2022 – 31 Oct 2023 (1 year)

Approved budget: RM 21,000

Principal Investigator: Ir. Lim Joo Eng

Faculty: Faculty of Engineering and Technology (FOET)

Type of Grant: Genting Plantations (WM) Sdn Bhd

Project Title: Loose Fruits Mini Collector Phase 2

Duration: 1 July 2023 – 31 December 2023 (6 months)

Approved budget: RM 30,000

Collaboration Projects with Industry

The Centre is actively engaged with industrial projects through the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) and Memorandum of Agreement (MoA) between TAR UMT and industries as follows:

Recent Publications:

TITLE: Ultrasonic guided wave testing on pipeline corrosion detection using torsional T(0,1) guided waves

SOURCE: Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Sciences (JMES)

AUTHOR: TEOH CHOE YUNG (Main Author)         


SDG: 9

CITATION: Yung, T. C., J.S. Pang, M.N. Abdul Hamid, L.E. Ooi, & W.H. Tan. (2022). Ultrasonic guided wave testing on pipeline corrosion detection using torsional T(0,1) guided waves. Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Sciences, 16(4), 9157–9166. https://doi.org/10.15282/jmes.16.4.2022.01.0725


Ultrasonic guided wave testing (UGWT) is used in rapid screening to detect, locate and classify corrosion defects. This non-destructive testing technique can perform wide-range inspection from a single point, thus reducing the time and effort required for NDT. However, the mode conversion phenomena and the dispersive nature of the guided waves make corrosion detection difficult. Hence, the parametric studies on the response signals of a T (0, 1) wave from pipe defects were presented in this paper. Firstly, a mathematical model of 6-inch schedule 40 pipes was developed. The corrosion profile of various geometries was then constructed on the outer surface of the pipeline by varying the circumferential length and depth. The numerical study was performed to analyse the characteristics of the response signals when a torsional guided wave impinges on the corroded pipelines. A five-cycle Hanning tone-burst signal with a central frequency of 30k Hz was used throughout the study. The results demonstrated that mode conversion to a flexural mode F (1, m) occurs when the stimulated T (0, 1) strikes non-symmetric defects. Nonetheless, as the circumferential extent of the corrosion increased, the response signals tended to behave symmetrically, and there was less mode conversion detected. Thus, the presence of flexural mode F (1, m) can be used as the criteria to distinguish symmetric and asymmetric faults. In addition, the results demonstrated that the reflection coefficients increase monotonically with the defect's depth due to the increases in the estimated cross-sectional area loss (ECL). As a result, a more significant proportion of the transmission wave was reflected. These findings serve as guidelines for on-site inspections. With the known speed of guided wave propagation, it is possible to precisely forecast the position of faults.


TITLE: Modal Analysis of Delaminated Flax Fibre Reinforced Epoxy Composite Plate

SOURCE: Journal of Mechanical Engineering (JMechE)



SDG: 9

CITATION: Cong Ho, Z., & Teoh, C. (2022). Modal Analysis of Delaminated Flax Fibre Reinforced Epoxy Composite Plate. Journal Of Mechanical Engineering (JMechE), 19(3), 135-153. doi:10.24191/jmeche.v19i3.19800 link


This paper describes the influence of fibre orientation, delamination size and location on the natural frequencies of the single mid-plane delaminated unidirectional flax fibre reinforced epoxy (FFRE) composite plates under different boundary conditions numerically by using ANSYS MAPDL. The delaminated composite plate was modelled as two separate volumes divided at the midplane of the plate, with the nodes on the intact surfaces merged. In contrast, the nodes on the delaminated region remained separate. The results show that the CCCC delaminated composite plate has the highest fundamental natural frequency (219.996 Hz). Furthermore, for increasing fibre orientation from 0 to 45, the fundamental natural frequencies decreased by 10.12% for the CCCC condition and increased by 6.01% for the SSSS condition. The fundamental natural frequency for the cantilever condition decreased 60.91% when fibre orientation increased to 90. Moreover, the CCCC condition significantly reduces the fundamental natural frequency (up to 38.95%) with increasing delamination size. For CCCC and SSSS conditions, the centre delamination possesses the highest fundamental natural frequency (219.996 Hz and 116.525 Hz, respectively). The highest fundamental natural frequency for cantilever conditions is 33.081 Hz, with delamination located at the middle of the width and near the free end.


Others Publication:


Conference Proceedings