Centre for Energy, Vibration and Acoustics Research (CEVA)
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
Chairman & Members
Chairman: Assoc. Prof. Dr Teoh Choe Yung
Dr Ko Ying Hao
Ir. Dr Vijayapragas A/L Muniandy
Dr Mohamad Azam Shah bin Aziz Shah
Mr Tan Yong Li
Assoc. Prof. Ir. Dr Chuah Yea Dat
Dr Tan Woei Chong
Dr Thien Yee Von
Dr Hoi Su Min
Dr Yip Sook Yee
Dr Lee Jun Rong
Assoc. Prof. Dr Yiauw (Ker) Kah Haur
Ir. Ts. Dr Sara Lee Kit Yee
Dr Wong Chun Mun
The objectives of establishment of this research centre are:
To provide consultation and service in sound and vibration measurement, analysis and control.
To provide an engagement platform for industry and institutions in vibration-based condition monitoring techniques.
To collaborate and exchange multidisciplinary knowledge with academic researchers and industry partners to solve real-life problems related to energy, sound and vibration.
To promote potential research direction in energy, sound and vibration to contribute to and meet societal needs.
To develop and explore sustainable energy sources, energy efficiency technologies, and renewable energy systems.
Vision Statement
To be a globally recognised centre of excellence in energy, vibration, and acoustics research, driving innovation, sustainability, and societal impact.
Rationale and Research and Plan
To address the growing need for advancements in energy technologies, vibration analysis, vibration-based condition monitoring and acoustics research and to tackle significant challenges related to sustainable energy sources, vibration control, and noise reduction. By focusing on these areas, the centre aims to contribute to environmental sustainability, enhance industrial performance, and improve the overall quality of life.
The research plan of the CEVA encompasses a multidisciplinary approach, collaboration with industry partners and academic researchers, and a commitment to conducting impactful research. The plan consists of the following key components:
Identify Research Priorities
Establish Collaboration and secure funding
Conduct Research and Disseminate Findings
Produce post-graduate students and research papers
Provide Consultation, Assessment and Service
Operations and Activities
Sound and Vibration Measurement, Analysis, and Consultation Services: provides guidance and recommendations for effective sound and vibration control strategies which includes automotive related applications, hence helping organizations optimize their operations and mitigate potential issues.
Vibration-Based Condition Monitoring for Machine Maintenance: assists industries in implementing proactive maintenance practices by utilising vibration analysis to monitor machine health.
Conduct Occupational Safety and Health Risk Assessments (Noise, vibration and ergonomics) - Foster collaborations between researchers, practitioners, and stakeholders from multiple disciplines to promote knowledge exchange and interdisciplinary approaches in addressing occupational safety and health challenges related to noise exposure, vibration, and ergonomics.
Collaborative Partnership for Identifying Challenges and Providing Solutions.
Knowledge and Research Promotion Platform: promote knowledge and research interest in the fields of energy, sound, and vibration. It organises academic events such as technical talks, workshops, seminars, forums, and conferences.
Fuzzy logic-based controller design, application and tuning services for various industry application.
Research Collaboration with IHL, Research Institutions, and Professional Societies.
Funding, Facilities and Equipment
CEVA adopts a proactive approach to securing funding for its activities. Members of the centre actively apply for research grants and seek industry sponsorships and funding sources to support their research endeavours.
CEVA utilises existing facilities within TARUMT that are well-equipped with suitable instruments, experimental setups, and engineering equipment. These facilities provide a conducive environment for conducting experiments, data analysis, and research activities.
Existing facilities & equipment:
4-Channels LMS SCADAS Mobile data acquisition system with LMS Test.Lab
B&K Handheld Analyzer 2250
B&K Impact Hammer Type 8206
B&K IEPE Accelerometer 4507-B004
Dytran triaxial accelerometer
B&K Accelerometer Calibrator TYPE 4294
B&K, LDS Miniature Shaker System
B&K, 1/2 Free Field Prepolarized Microphone with Pre-Amplifier, TYPE 4189-A-021
Project Title: Comprehensive Vibro-acoustical Analysis of Singing Bowls
Researcher: Dr Ko Ying Hao, Dr Teoh Choe Yung
Period: 7/2022 to 7/2024
Status: Ongoing
Project Title: Vibration-Based Condition Monitoring for CNC Milling
Researcher: Dr Teoh Choe Yung, Mr Tan Yong Li
Period: 1/2023 to 12/2023
Status: Ongoing
Project Title: Innovative Cool Roofing Technologies System for Buildings
Researcher: Dr Teoh Choe Yung
Period: 7/2021 to 6/2022
Status: Completed
Project Title: Solar PV System for Energy Security of Agricultural Farm Box
Researcher: Dr Teoh Choe Yung
Period: 8/2018 to 1/2020
Status: Completed
Project Title: Noise Control of Strip Brush Machine Using TRIZ-Based Approach
Researcher: Dr Teoh Choe Yung
Period: 2017
Status: Completed
Project Title: Kajian hubungan sifat fizikal, getaran dan bunyi alat muzik sundatang
Researcher: Dr Ko Ying Hao
Period: 1/2016
Status: Completed
Project Title: Measurement of Vibration and Comfort Level in Baby Strollers
Researcher: Dr Ko Ying Hao, Assoc Prof Dr. Teoh Choe Yung
Period: 8/2023 to 10/2023
Status: Completed
Project Title: Developing an IoT-Based Vibration Monitoring System of a Centrifugal Pump
Researcher: Assoc Prof Dr. Teoh Choe Yung, Dr. Lee Yoon Ket. Assoc Prof Dr. Lum Kin Yun
Period: 7/2024 to 6/2026
Status: On-Going
Project Title: Measurement of Vibration and Comfort Level in Baby Strollers
Researcher: Dr Ko Ying Hao, Dr Teoh Choe Yung
Period: 8/2023 to 10/2023
Status: Completed
Project Title: Developing an IoT-Based Vibration Monitoring System of a Centrifugal Pump
Researcher: Dr Teoh Choe Yung, Dr Lee Yoon Ket, Dr Lum Kin Yun
Period: 7/2024 to 7/2026
Status: Ongoing
Recent Publications
Teoh, Choe-Yung, et al. "Suppression of Flow-Induced Noise of a Canister Vacuum Cleaner." International Journal of Integrated Engineering 15.1 (2023): 180-190.
Yung, Teoh Choe, et al. "Ultrasonic guided wave testing on pipeline corrosion detection using torsional T (0, 1) guided waves." Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Sciences 16.4 (2022): 9157-9166.
Teoh, Choe-Yung, et al. "Performance analysis of dual-axis stepper motor solar tracker system." AIP Conference Proceedings. Vol. 2644. No. 1. AIP Publishing LLC, 2022.
Ho, Zi Cong, and Choe Yung Teoh. "Modal Analysis of Delaminated Flax Fibre Reinforced Epoxy Composite Plate." Journal of Mechanical Engineering (JMechE) 19.3 (2022): 135-153.
C S Chai and Y H Ko (2021). Design and Experimental Implementation of a Passive Dynamic Vibration Absorber to Attenuate Broadband Vibration. J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 2051 012020
Tan, W.H., Lo, W.C., Teoh, C.Y. and Cheng, E.M., 2021, October. Structural Analysis on the Coil Spring of Motorcycle Suspension System. In Journal of Physics: Conference Series (Vol. 2051, No. 1, p. 012031). IOP Publishing.
Choe-Yung Teoh, Daniel Tie Tong Hong, Lu Ean Ooi, Wei Hong Tan and Muhammad Najib Abdul Hamid. Performance Analysis of Dual-Axis Stepper Motor Solar Tracker System. International Conference in Sustainable Energy and Engineering 2021 (ICSEE 2021), 25-26 Oct 2021.
Jia-Jun Eng, Choe-Yung Teoh, Yeh-Huann Goh and Wei-Hong Tan. Effect of gender on the vibration transmissibility ratio from different operations of angle grinder. International Conference on Applied Science, Technology, and Engineering (ICASTE) 2021. 17-18 Feb 2021
L K Lucas and Y H Ko (2020). Modelling of the Human Body Under the Exposure to Recumbent Whole-body Vibration. IOP Conf. Ser.: Mater. Sci. Eng. 815 012015
Tee, Z.W. and Teoh, C.Y., 2020, March. Numerical analysis on vibro-acoustic characterisation of hybrid honeycomb structure with flow permeability. In IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering (Vol. 815, No. 1, p. 012007). IOP Publishing.
Muniandy, V., & Ong, K. (2020). Road handling improvement through active yaw control system using feedforward sliding mode controller. Vibroengineering Procedia, 32, 93-98.
Cheong Cheng Fai,Ko Ying hao (2019). Design of a Passive Vibration Absorber to attenuate Wide Band Vibration. ASM SC.J.,12. Special Issue 3, 2019
Chin, L.C.K., Eu, K.S., Tay, T.T., Teoh, C.Y. and Yap, K.M., 2019, October. A posture recognition model dedicated for differentiating between proper and improper sitting posture with kinect sensor. In 2019 IEEE international symposium on haptic, audio and visual environments and games (HAVE) (pp. 1-5). IEEE.
Eu, K.S., Ang, C.H., Lee, Y.K., Tay, T.T., Goh, Y.H. and Teoh, C.Y., 2019. Tomato automation cultivation system: Automatize watering and fertilizer based on sensory information. In MATEC Web of Conferences (Vol. 255, p. 02006). EDP Sciences.
Pooi Mun Wong ,Lu-Ean Ooi,Ko Ying hao,Choe Yung Teoh (2018), COMPARATIVE STUDY OF ADAPTIVE
Ying Hao, Ko, Chia Sin, Geh (2018) whole body vibration analysis of baby hammock. MATEC Web of Conferences, 217, 01005, 2018.
Lee, Z.Y. and Teoh, C.Y. (2018). Modal Analysis of Vertical Wind Turbine Blade. MATEC Web of Conferences, Volume 217.
Keong L.O. and Teoh, C.Y. (2018). Topology Analysis of Bicycle Rim Brake Pad to Improve Braking Performance. MATEC Web of Conferences, Volume 217
Wong, S.Y., Ooi L.E., Ko, Y.H. and TEOH, C.Y. (2018) Comparative Study of Adaptive Filter in Noise Cancellation. Proceedings of the 25th International Congress on Sound and Vibration, Japan.
Y.H. Goh, Y.L. Goh, Y.K. Lee and Y.H. Ko, "Robust Speech Recognition System Using Multi-Parameter Bidirectional Kalman Filter", International Journal of Speech Technology, 2017, 20(3), pp. 455-463 (ISI/ SCOPUS Indexed Publication)
Kuan, L.J., TEOH, C.Y., Ko, Y.H., Goh, Y.H. (2017) Numerical analysis of transmission loss through various noise barrier, Proceedings of the International Conference on Vibration, Sound and System Dynamics 2017, Penang, Malaysia.
Lee, J.H., Ooi L.E., Ko, Y.H., TEOH, C.Y. (2017) Simulation for Noise Cancellation Using LMS Adaptive Filter, International Conference on Aerospace, Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering 2017, Bangkok, Thailand.
Leong, S.Y., Goh, Y.H., TEOH, C.Y. (2017) Low Power Consuming Arm Exoskeleton Design Using Force Sensitive Resistors. 2nd Joint International Mechanical, Electronic and Information Technology Conference 2017, Japan.
Muniandy, V., Mohd Samin, P., Jamaluddin, H., Abdul Rahman, R., & Abu Bakar, S. A. (2017). Double anti-roll bar hardware-in-loop experiment for active anti-roll control system. Journal of Vibroengineering, 19(4), 2886-2909.
Y.H. Goh, Y.H. Ko and Y.K. Lee (2016). Fast Wavelet-based Pitch Period Detector for Speech Signals. Proceeding of ISTP Serial Journal.
Y.H. Goh, Y.H. Ko and Y.K. Lee (2016). Fast Wavelet-based Pitch Period Detector for Speech Signals. EI Journal.
Ying Hao Ko, Lu Ean Ooi, Yoon Ket Lee, Choon Wei Ko, Kok Rong Leong, Chun Boon Lim, Isaac Kong Liang Ung (2016) Vibration Analysis of Electronic Baby Hammock. Transactions on Science and Technology, 3(2), 328 – 335. ISSN: 2289-8786
Goh, Y.H. Tay, T.T., TEOH, C.Y., (2016) System Integration of Traffic Signal Preemption System and Global Positioning System for Emergency Vehicles, MyTRIZ Conference 2016, Shah Alam, Malaysia.
TEOH, C.Y., Goh, Y.H. Tay, T.T. (2016) Tyre modification using TRIZ tools to cater for momentary loss balance of vehicle during tyre blowouts, MyTRIZ Conference 2016, Shah Alam, Malaysia.
Tay, T.T., TEOH, C.Y., Goh, Y.H. (2016) Proposed improvement of current Hospital Imaging Department Queuing System using TRIZ tools, MyTRIZ Conference 2016, Shah Alam.
TEOH, C.Y. and RIPIN, Z. M. (2015). Dither effect on drum brake squeal. Journal of Vibration and Control
Kok Seng Eu, Soon Loong Yong, Mum Wai Yip, Yoon Ket Lee, Ying Hao Ko, Kian Meng Yap (2014). Fingers bending motion controlled electrical wheelchair by using flexible bending sensors with Kalman filter algorithm. Contemporary Engineering Sciences, Vol. 7, 2014, no. 13, 637-647, [Impact Factor: 0.191] ISSN 1313-6569
Ko Ying Hao, Zaidi Mohd Ripin (2013). Nodal control of grass trimmer handle vibration, International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics. Volume 43, Issue 1, pp. 18-30. [Impact Factor: 1.451, ISSN: 0169-8141]
TEOH, C. Y., RIPIN, Z. M. and HAMID, M. N. A. (2013). Analysis of friction excited vibration of drum brake squeal. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 67, 59-69.
HAMID, M. N. A., TEOH, C. Y. and RIPIN, Z. M. (2013). The operational deflection shapes and transient analysis of the brake shoes in drum brake squeal. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part D-Journal of Automobile Engineering, 227, 866-884.
Ko, YH, Ean, O.,L., and Ripin, Z.,M. (2011). The design and development of suspended handles for reducing hand-arm vibration in petrol-driven grass trimmer, International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics. Volume 41, Issue 5, pp. 459-470. [Impact Factor: 1.451, ISSN: 0169-8141]
Ko Ying Hao, Lee Xin Mei & Zaidi Mohd Ripin (2011). Tuned Vibration Absorber for Suppression of Hand-arm Vibration in Electric Grass Trimmer, International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics. Volume 41, Issue 5, pp 494–508. [Impact Factor: 1.451, ISSN: 0169-8141]
TEOH, C. Y. and RIPIN, Z. M. (2011). Transient analysis of drum brake squeal with binary flutter and negative friction-velocity instability mechanisms. Journal of Vibroengineering, 13, 275-287.
TEOH, C. Y. and RIPIN, Z. M. (2011). Modelling of brake shoe in drum brake squeal. Proceedings of Regional Tribology Conference 2011, RTC 2011, 105-110.
TEOH, C. Y. and RIPIN, Z. M. (2010). Development of minimal model of drum brake squeal. International Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering (ICAME2010), Shah Alam Convention Centre, Selangor, 115-120.
Z.M. Ripin, Y.H. Ko. Analysis of Dynamic Vibration Absorber to Attenuate Hand Arm Vibration (2009). In: NOVEM 2009: Noise and Vibration: Emerging Methods. Proceedings. Oxford, UK, 5.-8. 4. 2009. - Southampton: Institute of Sound and Vibration Research, 2009. - ISBN 978-0-85432-900-7. pp. 025/1-025/9
Choe Yung Teoh, Kein Fei Kong, Ying Hao Ko, Tsung Heng Chiew, and Yoon Ket Lee, “Structural vibration analysis of weld defects,” AIP conference proceedings, Jan. 2023, doi: https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0179416.
A. Hamid, Siti Zulaikha Rafi, N. Mohd, and C.-Y. Teoh, “Simulation of low velocity impact damage on thin plate,” AIP conference proceedings, Jan. 2023, doi: https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0178377.
C.-Y. Teoh, “Design of Two-Stage Force Amplification Frame for Piezoelectric Energy Harvester,” Journal of Mechanical Engineering, vol. 20, no. 3, pp. 49–62, Sep. 2023, doi: https://doi.org/10.24191/jmeche.v20i3.23900.
Contact Us
Assoc Prof Dr Teoh Choe Yung
Telephone No. (603) 41450123 / 41450100 (Ext: 3544)
Dr Ko Ying Hao
1. Noise Risk Assessment
2. Vibration Analysis / Modal Analysis
3. Noise Control and Reduction