Centre for Energy, Vibration and Acoustics Research (CEVA)

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Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

Chairman & Members

Chairman: Assoc. Prof. Dr Teoh Choe Yung 



The objectives of establishment of this research centre are:

Vision Statement

To be a globally recognised centre of excellence in energy, vibration, and acoustics research, driving innovation, sustainability, and societal impact.

Rationale and Research and Plan

To address the growing need for advancements in energy technologies, vibration analysis, vibration-based condition monitoring and acoustics research and to tackle significant challenges related to sustainable energy sources, vibration control, and noise reduction. By focusing on these areas, the centre aims to contribute to environmental sustainability, enhance industrial performance, and improve the overall quality of life.

Operations and Activities

Funding, Facilities and Equipment

CEVA adopts a proactive approach to securing funding for its activities. Members of the centre actively apply for research grants and seek industry sponsorships and funding sources to support their research endeavours.

CEVA utilises existing facilities within TARUMT that are well-equipped with suitable instruments, experimental setups, and engineering equipment. These facilities provide a conducive environment for conducting experiments, data analysis, and research activities. 

Existing facilities & equipment:


Researcher: Dr Ko Ying Hao, Dr Teoh Choe Yung

Period: 7/2022 to 7/2024

Status: Ongoing

Researcher: Dr Teoh Choe Yung, Mr Tan Yong Li

Period: 1/2023 to 12/2023

Status: Ongoing

Researcher: Dr Teoh Choe Yung

Period: 7/2021 to 6/2022

Status: Completed

Researcher: Dr Teoh Choe Yung

Period: 8/2018 to 1/2020

Status: Completed

Researcher: Dr Teoh Choe Yung

Period: 2017

Status: Completed

Researcher: Dr Ko Ying Hao

Period: 1/2016

Status: Completed


Researcher: Dr Ko Ying Hao, Assoc Prof Dr. Teoh Choe Yung

Period: 8/2023 to 10/2023

Status: Completed


Researcher: Assoc Prof Dr. Teoh Choe Yung, Dr. Lee Yoon Ket. Assoc Prof Dr. Lum Kin Yun

Period: 7/2024 to 6/2026

Status: On-Going

Researcher: Dr Ko Ying Hao, Dr Teoh Choe Yung

Period: 8/2023 to 10/2023

Status: Completed

Researcher: Dr Teoh Choe Yung, Dr Lee Yoon Ket, Dr Lum Kin Yun

Period: 7/2024 to 7/2026

Status: Ongoing 

Recent Publications

Contact Us


Telephone No. (603) 41450123 / 41450100 (Ext: 3544)



1. Noise Risk Assessment

2. Vibration Analysis / Modal Analysis

3. Noise Control and Reduction